Weigh-In Clinic
Wednesdays 10-11:30am, FREE and open to the public
This drop-in clinic offers an opportunity for women to connect with other breastfeeding moms while weighing their babies before and after a feeding. Though the amount of breastmilk a baby eats will vary at each feeding, doing a "weighted feed" can give moms an idea as to how much milk their baby is taking in during one nursing session. (Weighted feeds are not a requirement of attending this clinic and private nursing rooms are available upon request.)
A lactation counselor will be on hand to answer general questions in this relaxed environment. More personalized care and latch assessments occur during a private consultation, which can be scheduled at that time if needed.
If this day and time does not work for you and you'd like to stop in another time for a weighted feed, please contact our office to make an appointment.
Know you'll be attending the next Weigh In Clinic?