Through our partnership with The Lactation Network we are able to provide services to clients who have PPO policies with Blue Cross Blue Shield, Anthem, and the Veterans Affairs Community Care Network. as well as many insurance companies who partner with Multiplan and PNOA. We are also in-network through TLN for Commercial members with UnitedHealthcare in 49 states (Hawaii pending) for in-person consultations. Clients who have one of these policies likely qualify for 6 free lactation visits!
Click here to verify your coverage: We will receive a copy of your emailed confirmation and will reach out to you to schedule your first consult.
Not sure a consultation is what you need?
Weigh-In Clinic is every Wednesday between 10-11:30am
This free drop-in clinic offers an opportunity for mothers to chat casually with a lactation specialist while weighing their babies before and after a feeding. General questions can be answered at this time to help determine whether a personalized consult might be helpful. Or, just come on by just for the weighted feed and a heavy dose of encouragement!